New group photo!
Post Doc applications due soon!
Post-Doctoral Position Available!
Website Update!
Announcing BRAILLE! A new NASA PSTAR team focused on exploring lava tubes as Mars analogs
I am excited to announce that our PSTAR proposal to NASA as funded. Our team is titled – Biologic and Resource Analog Investigations in Low Light Environments (BRAILLE) – and is headed up by Jen Blank from NASA Ames. The Osburn laboratory will be looking at lipid and isotopic biosignatures of lava tube microbiology in […]
Latest and greatest from SURF at AbSciCon 2017
Osburn lab members will be presenting at AbSciCon in Mesa, AZ in April. Hope to see you there! Establishment of the Deep Mine Microbial Observatory (DeMMO) Osburn M. R., Casar C. P., Kruger B., Flynn T. M., Amend J. P Tuesday, April 25 at 1:30pm in Arizona Ballroom D Here we describe the establishment and preliminary […]
Updated People pages!
Meet Caitlin and Hannah, our newest lab members!
Check us out at AGU!
Interglacial climate in northwest Greenland inferred using insect remains, leaf wax dD and chitin dO preserved in lake sediments McFarlin, J., Axford, Y., Osburn, M., Kelly, M., Osterberg, E., Francis, D., Lasher, G., Farnsworth, L. Monday, December 12 8-12:20pm in Moscone South Abstract: Here we present a sub-millennial record of Holocene and Last Interglacial Period […]
Recruiting Graduate Students this year
Interested in Isotope Geobiology and getting at Ph.D.? Check out the department website: http://www.earth.northwestern.edu, and follow up with Prof. Osburn to talk about potential projects.