Earth 373 – Microbial Ecology
Winter 2018, Spring 2020, Fall 2021
An upper level undergraduate to graduate level course detailing aspects of microbial ecology including microbial physiology, microbial interaction types, syntropy with plants and animals, and diversity of specific environments.

Earth 370 – Introduction to Geobiology
Spring 2017, Spring 2015, Spring 2019, Spring 2021
An upper level undergraduate to graduate level course taught using a partially flipped, active learning-based method covering key players, biogeochemistry, and techniques of geobiology as well as a walk through the geobiology of Earth through time.

Earth 331: Field Problems in Sedimentary Geology
Fall 2014
I co-caught this field and literature-based course with Brad Sageman. The course featured a three-week field trip to CO and UT and an extensive literature review. I specifically contributed knowledge on carbonate environments in the field and on use of Adobe Illustrator software in the lab.

EARTH 204: Earth Science Communication
Winters yearly; upcoming 2021
An undergraduate course aimed at teaching our majors scientific writing, reading, and presentation so they may be better prepared for careers in the geosciences.

EARTH 440: Isotope Geochemistry Seminar
Fall 2018 – Nitrogen, Winter 2021 – Hydrogen:
A graduate level seminar focused on unwinding the complexities of the biogeochemical cycles and the state-of-the-art literature on isotopic fractionation.

EARTH 450: Seminar Supercharged!
Fall 2020:
A graduate level seminar developed to increase the engagement of our graduate students in departmental seminars. During the course we would read and discuss a paper by the seminar speaker, attend seminar, and then meet with the speaker for additional questions and reflection.