This lab contains everything we need to extract, separate, and analyze interesting lipids from samples of rocks, sediment, or biology. The Picarro water isotope analyzer is also set up and ready to accept outside samples for analysis on fee basis, contact Maggie if you are interested.

The Microbial Culturing and Imaging Lab (aka BugLab) is our headquarters for cultivating, imaging, and experimenting on our favorite microbes. For culturing we have an anaerobic chamber, gas farm and mixing station, and incubators galore. Here we mostly culture environmental microbes as well as some better known organisms for testing hypotheses of isotopic fractionation.

Stable Isotope Lab
Officially known as the Stable Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry Lab, the Stable Isotope Lab is a shared facility in the integrated labs for Earth and Planetary Sciences. It contains two isotope ratio mass specs with a range of peripherals including GC, gas bench, EA, and TC-EA. The toy of primary interest to my lab is the GC-IRMS that we use to measure compound-specific δD and δ13C of lipids.
We are always looking for new users of this facility (particularly EA and gasbench samples), check out the website and/or contact me for details. Website Here

GeoCAL Lab
The Geoperspectives on Climate and Life lab is joint space shared between the Axord and Osburn Labs and contains the latest in sediment core processing equipment including core splitting, and scanning, as well as laser particle sizing. The Osburn Lab spaces feature microbial cultivation reactors and our spectrophotometer collection (field, spec 200, modern single well, and plate reader).